When 36-year-old lecturer Martin meets the mysterious Lucas at a neighbour’s midsummer party, the attraction is instant and hot.
The two men soon start a relationship, but Martin is puzzled by Lucas’ behaviour. He’s not like any other man he’s ever known - indeed sometimes he hardly seems human at all - and Martin wants to find out why.
But when one autumn night, he tracks Lucas to the depths of the local park, he realises more eye-opening truths about his new lover and the pack of strange wolves he runs with than he'd ever before thought possible.
Listen to the start of the story here:

"This is a gracefully written paranormal novelette that takes a fresh perspective on the werewolf legend. The story's appeal lies in those fascinating disconnects where Lucas's aggressive wolf personality causes him to stand out from the camouflage of his courteous but reserved British countrymen. Even better is the first-person narrator Martin's puzzled but unflappable acceptance of Lucas.” [From a Recommended Read review at ARe Cafe Reviews]
“This is an amazing story about Martin, a university lecturer, and Lucas, a somewhat wild and definitely unusual designer. I loved the message of this story: what counts in a relationship between any two "beings" isn't how they look, nor necessarily what DNA they carry, or what they behave like. The focus in examining whether we can have a relationship with someone, and accept who and what they are, should be on how they relate to us, what they mean to us, and how they treat us. A very powerful message indeed!” [From a review at Queer Magazine Online]
“This gracefully written story handles the novelette length just fine, delivering an absorbing opposites-attract story warmed by understated humour.” [From a review at Obsidian Bookshelf]
“There was much to like about this story, told in the first person from Martin’s point of view. It charts the explosive beginning and development of the relationship between Martin and Lucas with an eye to the ridiculous.” [From a review at Jessewave Reviews]
“A smexy little romance and I loved that it was definitely set in Britain. A nice change from generic locales.” [Read the rest of this review at Tam's Reads]
“Anne Brooke has created an enjoyable light reading snippet for fans that are fond of shifter stories.” [Read the rest of this review at Literary Nymph Reviews]
“When you want a steamy male-on-male shifter story, I heartily recommend Martin and The Wolf.” [From a 5-star review at Two Lips Reviews]